Curs de Supraviețuire Ortodoxă



David Bradshaw: "Oamenii folosesc statul pentru a-si satisface patimile"" PDF Imprimare Email
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Duminică, 27 Octombrie 2013 23:21
David Bradshaw:

David Bradshaw este profesor de filozofie la Universitatea din Kentucky si autorul unei fascinante carti despre diferentele dintre traditia crestina rasariteana si cea occidentala, “Aristotle East and West: Metaphysics and the Division of Christendom”, aparuta in anul 2004 la Cambridge University Press  (tradusa in romana in anul 2010 de Dragos Dasca si Vasile Barzu sub titlul "Metafizica Energiilor Divine si schisma bisericii", Editura Evanghelismos) si distinsa cu premiul “Morris D. Forkosch” al JouRead more

Clark Carlton: Modernity considers sub-natural existence the sumit of human progress PDF Imprimare Email
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Joi, 18 Iulie 2013 13:20
Clark Carlton: Modernity considers sub-natural existence the sumit of human progress

Romanian translation

Clark Carlton is currently teaching philosophy at Tennessee Technological University. 

Clark Carlton is the author of the two most popular books on Orthodoxy in the English language, The Faith and The Way.

Clark was born in Tennessee in 1964 and raised as a Southern Baptist. He earned his BA in philosophy from Carson-Newman College. While studying as the Raymond Brian Memorial Scholar at Southeastern Baptists Theological Seminary, he converted to the Orthodox Church.

WhatRead more

Clark Carlton: Modernitatea considera subnaturalul o culme a progresului PDF Imprimare Email
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Joi, 18 Iulie 2013 09:18
Clark Carlton: Modernitatea considera subnaturalul o culme a progresului

Dr. Clark Carlton, profesor de filozofie la Universitatea din Tennesee, autorul volumelor catehetice "Adevarul Ortodoxiei fata de catolicism", "Calea de la Protestantism la Ortodoxie", "Credinta. Sa intelegem crestinismul ortodox", traduse in limba romana la editura Ecclesiast, a avut amabilitatea sa dialogheze cu despre amenintarile la adresa ortodoxiei, falimentul filozofiei moderne si multe alte subiecte incitante in interviul pe care il prezentam mai jos.

Varianta in limbaRead more

Jay Dyer: "The royal houses are still very powerful, but from behind the scenes" PDF Imprimare Email
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Marţi, 28 Mai 2013 22:07
Jay Dyer:

What is the philosophical/economical/esoteric argument for reduction of the population? We see all the powers that be (Club of Rome, for example) obsessed with this issue.

For those who adhere to the “left-hand path” as they term it, it is the natural order of things. In that perspective, at least for those that are high level occultists, the goal of esoterism is godhood, and the path to godhood necessarily involves the destruction of those that are in opposition. It is all viewed in alchemical terRead more

Jay Dyer: "Multe case regale sunt puternice, dar din spatele scenei" PDF Imprimare Email
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Marţi, 28 Mai 2013 21:25
Jay Dyer:

Publicam, astazi, ultima parte a interviului cu Jay Dyer, scriitorul din spatele "", in care ni se vorbeste despre argumentele reducerii populatiei, relatia dintre ocultism si spionaj, iar in incheiere ni se ofera mai multe recomandari bibliografice.

English version

Exista vreun argument filozofic/economic/esoteric in favoarea reducerii populatiei? Observam cum mai toate organizatiile importante (Clubul de la Roma, de pilda) sunt obsedate de aceasta chestiune.

Pentru cei care subscriuRead more


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