Curs de Supraviețuire Ortodoxă



Jay Dyer: "Adam and Eve were the first empiricists"" PDF Imprimare Email
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Luni, 27 Mai 2013 23:09
Jay Dyer:

You mentioned somewhere you were in between Orthodox Judaism and Eastern Christianity. Can you tell us what some of the strong and the weak points in these traditions?

These are complicated issues, but being raised with an interest in church and having a long interest in biblical theology, the Torah, prophets and wisdom literature had a profound effect on me. In my long religious trek, I basically got the point where I felt that there could be a divide with the Law and the New Testament. I'm theRead more

Jay Dyer: "Adam si Eva au fost primii empiristi" PDF Imprimare Email
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Luni, 27 Mai 2013 22:57
Jay Dyer:

Publicam astazi partea a doua a interviului cu Jay Dyer, scriitorul din spatele "jaysanalysis", in care aflam despre legaturile dintre patimi si cultura pop,  rezistenta empirismului si asemanarile dintre Cabala si Ortodoxie.

English version

Ai mentionat undeva ca oscilezi intre iudaismul ortodox si teologia rasariteana. Ne poti spune care sunt, in linii mari, punctele tari si cele slabe in traditiile amintite?

Acestea sunt chestiuni complexe, dar fiind crescut cu un interes pentru biserica si avandRead more

Jay Dyer: "A fi un capitalist rational intr-un univers fara Dumnezeu este lipsit de sens" PDF Imprimare Email
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Duminică, 26 Mai 2013 22:33
Jay Dyer:

Jay Dyer, omul din spatele unuia dintre cele mai interesante si populare bloguri de analiza politica, metafizica si teologie, “”, a avut amabilitatea de sta de vorba cu noi despre presupozitiile care au modelat Occidentul, problemele Vaticanului, avantajele intelectuale ale ortodoxiei si multe alte teme fascinante intr-un interviu fluviu, care va fi publicat integral in urmatoarele zile pe  

English version    

Spune-ne cateva lucruri despre tine. Cum ai descoperit teologiaRead more

Jay Dyer: "Being a rational capitalist is pointless in a godless universe" PDF Imprimare Email
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Duminică, 26 Mai 2013 22:19
Jay Dyer:

Tell us a little about yourself. How did you discover Eastern Theology and how did you get involved in political philosophy, metaphysics, theology and conspiracy theory? Is there a common line between these things, beside intellectual curiosity?

Jay Dyer: I'm a writer with an (almost) Master's Degree in philosophy and English. My central interests are religion, theology and espionage, as well as economics and geo-politics, and particularly how these fields interrelate. I was raised Baptist, butRead more


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