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Time is Money | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Critica de film |
Scris de Florin Rusu |
Marţi, 03 Ianuarie 2012 08:13 |
Coordonatele pe care este construita intriga sunt cel putin ingenioase: Timpul este singura moneda. Fiecare individ este genetic construit sa se opreasca din imbatrinire la 25 de ani. Dupa aceea, va mai putea trai doar un singur an, daca nu poate castiga mai multe ore, zile, saptamani, luni sau ani. Toate acestea sunt transferabile. Hotii de timp fac ca securitatea sa fie principala problema a indivizilor, ceea ce inverseaza scala preferintei de timp. Cu cat detii mai mult timp cu atat mai mult devii tinta celorlalti si iti risti viata. Rata nominala a dobanzii pe termen mediu devine negativa in termeni reali. Cel putin in gheto, pentru ca in cartierele rezidentiale s-a rezolvat problema prin impunerea unor taxe de tranzit extrem de costisitoare pentru eventualii atentatori la bunastarea locuitorilor, masurata un sute, mii si chiar milioane de ani. Solutia agreata de productorii filmului la aceasta problema este o combinatie de keynesism si Ocupy Wall Street, similara solutiilor preferate de opinia publica pentru iesirea din actuala criza. In loc sa analizeze cauzele care au dus la inversarea preferintei de timp, se prefera redistribuirea bunastarii si distrugerea sistemului financiar, fara a se pune insa nimic in loc. Cauzele pentru care s-a ajuns la situatia in care avem de-a face cu o scala inversata a preferintei de timp sunt analizate de Robin Hanson, care a recenzat filmul dintr-o perspectiva libertariana: “First, the “time is money” angle can be misleading, leading folks to think in nominal price terms. In real prices, the scenario is equivalent to: Physical immortality, with no body/mind aging, has been achieved. Everyone must periodically pay a head tax to the government. Each person pays their tax into a personal tax account, which the government continually drains. Everyone has a built-in bomb, which automatically kills them if their personal tax account ever gets empty. Most people die either from tax bombs or from murder by thieves, which authorities tolerate. If a situation arises where most people can reliably pay their taxes, authorities raise prices on widely-needed commodities until enough people die from tax bombs. In the movie, commodity prices are raised via “manipulation,” but that can’t work reliably unless authorities in effect raise taxes on those commodities. The government gives the tax revenue, and more, to favorites.” Tyler Cowen, care a publicat o recenzie extrem de favoarabila filmului, pune si cele mai interesante intrebari, care de altfel incita orice cinefil libertarian, si nu numai, la vizionarea peliculei: “The hero has read Kalecki (1943) and he operates under the assumption that a redistribution will prove isomorphic to an “Operation Twist” and restore full employment equilibrium, and positive economic growth, by fixing the inverted yield curve. But is that policy commitment credible? Does he have the support of the heroine? You have to watch the movie to find out…” |