- Remembrances for April - 2025
- Interview 1943 – Your DNA Is For Sale (And Wojcicki’s Bidding!) (NWNW #586)
- Re-Defining "Grift"
- Interview 1942 – Jimmy Dore Dives Into REPORTAGE!
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- Episode 473 – Algocracy: Government for the New World Order
- Japan is Committing Harakiri (But So Is Everybody Else)
- Hiatus
- Offsite Post: ‘Archbishop Elpidophoros vs the Holy Fathers on Americanism’
- UK Program "Good Morning Britain" Interviews Man Whose Wife Was Killed By Covid Shot, And Woman Whose Husband Was Left Brain Damaged
- Interview 1940 – Beware The Ides Of March! (NWNW #585)
- Haaretz Editorial: "Netanyahu's Ministers Are Using Blood Curdling Language Directed At The Whole Population Of Gaza, And Not Only Hamas..Netanyahu's Wars Are Designed To Reshape Language
- JFK Files Include Rather Shocking, But Not Surprising Revelations About Israel and JFK, Creating An Elephant In The Room Effect--Still Guilty Even When Facts Confirm Israel's Fingerprints
- Offsite Post: ‘The Black Lining around Loper v Raimondo’
- Say What You Mean
- Movie Review: "The Last Supper" (2025)
- Offsite Post: ‘In Defense of Christian Governments’
- IEP Guide for All
- Creators of Film "Man of God" Currently Working on New Film "Moses the Black"
- Offsite Post: ‘French Culture and Resistance to Change’
- We Have Entirely Forgotten What It Means to Seek Salvation
- The Great Fast Through the Ages: What Has Changed?
- A Homily on the Prodigal Son
- New Martyr John Popov: A Genius of Theology
- On the Prodigal Son
- The Western Rite
- The holy righteous Simeon the God-Receiver
- In memory of the martyred Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev
- Prayer From the Abyss: How Brokenness Became the Path to Grace
- Fyodor Dostoevsky's Meeting With Archbishop Nicholas Kasatkin the Missionary of Japan
- Healthy Food for Healthy Kids
- Latest Poll: More Than One-Third of Moderate Voters Do Not Trust Federal Health Agencies
- “Only Begotten Son” – Who Wrote the Hymn Sung at Every Liturgy?
- Children’s Health Defense CEO, Mary Holland, Esq. Statement on Pardon of Anthony Fauci
- Imprisoned for Christ: The Power of Suffering – Elder Sofian Boghiu
- Intemnițat pentru Hristos: Puterea suferinței – Pr. Sofian Boghiu
- Guided by the Star: The Magi’s Journey to Christ
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- “May Paradise consume you!” Elder Cleopas of Romania (†1998)
- “Mânca-v-ar raiul!” Cuviosul Cleopa de la Sihăstria (†1998)
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Cele mai citite
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- Dostoevsky for Parents and Children: (IV) Merchant Skotoboinikov's Story
- Clark Carlton: Modernity considers sub-natural existence the sumit of human progress
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- O stire: moartea presei.
- 101 carti de necitit intr-o viata
- Totalitarism homosexual
- Alternativa Nicusor Dan. Nula
- Cu ochii larg închiși
- Evolutionism pe intelesul tuturor
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Scris de Administrator |
Joi, 12 Mai 2011 12:34 |
Imaginea reductionista si unidimensionala a persoanei reprezinta o ipoteza de baza a modernitatii iluministe, indiferent de varianta liberala sau socialista in care este dezvoltata aceasta antropologie. Esecul acestui experiment la nivel cultural, social si economic devine din ce in ce mai vizibil astazi pentru toti cei inca neanesteziati total de reeducarea publica. Alternativa nu o reprezinta un paseism romantic, ci o intoarcere fundamentala la criterii de rationalitate discursiva, la o teorie clasica a valorilor si, cel mai important, la o imagine multidimensionala, karamazoviana a naturii umane. Ceea ce uneste in buna masura comentariile publicate pe aceasta platforma este atasamentul fata de o ordine naturala distrusa, fata de autori clasici, fata de o lume in care “politetea a facut ultimele reverente”. In acelasi timp ne displace ingineria sociala, progresul, elitele artificiale si, in general, cam tot ce are legatura cu a faptul de a fi modern.