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Dostoevsky for Parents and Children: (VI) Nellie's Story PDF Imprimare Email
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Scris de Dostoievski et al.   
Vineri, 18 Martie 2022 12:38
Dostoevsky for Parents and Children: (VI) Nellie's Story

Previously in the Dostoevsky for Parents and Children series: 

Varenka's Memoirs (from the novel Poor Folk, 1846 [1883, 1887, 1897, DPC I])

An Honest Thief (from Stories of a Man of Experience, 1848 [suggested by the Introduction to the 1897 anthology, DPC V]

At The Select Boarding School (from the novel The Adolescent, 1875 [1883, 1897, DPC II])

The Merchant's Story (from the novel The Adolescent, 1875 [1897, DPC IV])

The Peasant Marey (from The Diary Of A Writer, January 1876 [1883, 18Read more
Dostoevsky for Parents and Children: (V) An Honest Thief PDF Imprimare Email
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Scris de Dostoievski et al.   
Vineri, 04 Martie 2022 16:38
Dostoevsky for Parents and Children: (V) An Honest Thief

Previously in the Dostoevsky for Parents and Children series: 

Varenka's Memoirs (from the novel Poor Folk, 1846 [1883, 1887, 1897, DPC I])

At The Select Boarding School (from the novel The Adolescent, 1875 [1883, 1897, DPC II])

The Merchant's Story (from the novel The Adolescent, 1875 [1897, DPC IV])

The Peasant Marey (from The Diary Of A Writer, January 1876 [1883, 1897, DPC III])

{In square brackets we indicate the original Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya anthologies in which each storyRead more
Dostoevsky for Parents and Children: (III) The Peasant Marey PDF Imprimare Email
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Scris de Dostoievski et al.   
Joi, 17 Februarie 2022 11:26
Dostoevsky for Parents and Children: (III) The Peasant Marey
Previously in the Dostoevsky for Parents and Children series: 
Varenka's Memoirs (from the novel Poor Folk, 1846 [1883, 1887, 1897, DPC I])
At The Select Boarding School (from the novel The Adolescent, 1875 [1883, 1897, DPC II])
{In square brackets we indicate the original Anna Dostoevskaya anthologies in which the story appeared, followed by its order of posting in the present  Dostoevsky for Parents and Children (DPC) collection. Thus [1883, 1897, DPC II]  means the story appeared in the first (18Read more
Dostoevsky for Parents and Children: (I) Varenka's Memoirs PDF Imprimare Email
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Scris de Dostoievski et al.   
Joi, 03 Februarie 2022 18:28
Dostoevsky for Parents and Children: (I) Varenka's Memoirs

Today's posting opens a series intended to gather the complete English equivalents (or at least as many of them as are available in the public domain) of a wonderful collection of Dostoevsky short stories and excerpts. Best known as "Dostoevsky for Children", the original Russian anthology was brought out posthumously by Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya, the author's wife. She was thus fulfilling one of her late husband's cherished literary wishes. Anna Dostoevskaya actually supervised the editing (bRead more

Dostoevsky for Parents and Children: (IV) Merchant Skotoboinikov's Story PDF Imprimare Email
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Scris de Dostoievski et al.   
Vineri, 25 Februarie 2022 13:03
Dostoevsky for Parents and Children: (IV) Merchant Skotoboinikov's Story

Previously in the Dostoevsky for Parents and Children series: 

Varenka's Memoirs (from the novel Poor Folk, 1846 [1883, 1887, 1897, DPC I])

At The Select Boarding School (from the novel The Adolescent, 1875 [1883, 1897, DPC II])

The Peasant Marey (from The Diary Of A Writer, January 1876 [1883, 1897, DPC III])

{In square brackets we indicate the original Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya anthologies in which each story appeared, followed by its order of posting in the present  Dostoevsky for ParentsRead more
Dostoevsky for Parents and Children (II): At The Select Boarding School PDF Imprimare Email
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Scris de D.C.C.   
Vineri, 11 Februarie 2022 11:40
Dostoevsky for Parents and Children (II): At The Select Boarding School
"The matter [in the epistolary novel Poor Folk] is simple: it concerns some good-hearted simpletons who assume that to love the whole world is an extraordinary pleasure and duty for every one. They cannot comprehend a thing when the wheel of life with all its rules and regulations runs over them and fractures their limbs and bones without a word. That’s all there is — but what drama, what types! I forgot to tell you, the artist’s name is Dostoevsky.” 
Thus exclaimed Vissarion Belinsky, the leading Read more
Daruri înaripate PDF Imprimare Email
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Scris de Alexandros Papadiamantis   
Marţi, 21 Decembrie 2021 11:44
Daruri înaripate

Străin de toate ale lumii și de trup, s-a pogorât în Ajun dintru înălțimi făcându-și aripile nevăzute, asemenea oricărui înger dumnezeiesc. A adus daruri din împărățiile de sus, ca să-I cinstească pe locuitorii capitalei. Era îngerul orașului.

Ținea în mână-i un astru și în pieptul său pulsau viață și putere, iar din gură îi ieșea o suflare de liniște și pace. Voia să dăruiască cele trei daruri oricui era pregătit să le primească.

A intrat mai întâi într-un palat ales. A văzut acolo minciuna și un Read more


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